Human Performance Project


There are ILHPP Chapters across the state! The Illinois Human Performance Project is a developing chapter of the national Life of an Athlete Human Performance Project. Designed to educate and hold students accountable for making healthy life choices regarding sleep, nutrition, substance avoidance, mood, and leadership in order to achieve optimal performance. Although the national program was originally designed for athletes, the Illinois Human Performance Project targets all students, not just athletes, to challenge and empower their peers to set positive standards in health and leadership to achieve optimal performance.

Schools and Agencies Reached
Schools With Active HPP Chapters
Individuals Reached Since Inception
IL Human Performance Project


These schools currently house chapters. Each chapter is unique in the way that it operates. Within various schools, you will find many different programs that each chapter implements.

Barrington High School

Chapter Name: Broncos Committed
Chapter Advisor: Amy Winkelman
Phone: (847) 842-6533

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Fifth Quarter Events
  • Awareness and Prevention Activities
  • Pledge Development
  • Middle School Mentoring
  • Elementary School Mentoring

Broncos Committed is an all-school wellness initiative focused on healthy living and optimal performance. Broncos Committed promotes science-based information regarding nutrition, sleep, stress management, and drugs, nicotine, and alcohol. Students learn how to be and perform at their best! Broncos Committed sponsors Avalanche (for freshmen), 5th Quarter Events, Red Ribbon Week, Reality Club, Snowball, Honk for Sobriety, and numerous middle school events, such as: Snowflake, BC Bash, and BMS Station/Prairie health class visits. Broncos Committed was founded during the 2011-2012 school year.

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Buffalo Grove High School

Chapter Name: Elevate
Chapter Advisor: Kip North
Phone: (847) 718-4197

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Brown Bag Programs
  • Fifth Quarter Events
  • Awareness and Prevention Activities
  • Creed Development
  • Pledge Development
  • Program Presentations
  • Science Module Education
  • Middle School Mentoring

Elevate emphasizes leadership principles, project development and implementation, and Human Performance Project science modules. Students receive tools for optimal physical and mental performance, along with interpersonal growth. They abide by the motto “Team, Teammate, Self” which helps them maintain a positive and supportive community. Working on community projects, students are challenged to help lead and further the Elevate culture at BGHS. Elevate sponsors the Brown Bag lunch program, 5th Quarter Events, National Prevention Week, presentations to Freshman Advisory, school programs, and staff, as well as visits to numerous local middle schools where they help middle school students develop their own chapters.

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Conant High School

Chapter Name: Cougar Climb
Chapter Advisor: CathyAnn Smith, John Kane

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Brown Bag Programs
  • Science Module Education
  • Awareness and Prevention Activities
  • Creed Development
  • Pledge Development
  • Program Presentations
Cougar CLIMB will be starting its third year as a chapter for the 21–22 school year. From inception, we have grown our members from 13 to 40 and are very pleased with the efforts to connect with our school community as a whole.
Our recent focus was getting out the message of the science modules for athletes especially focusing on sleep and nutrition. We ran a brown bag lunch project during finals in January 2020 with great success! Looking forward to more opportunities in this next school year!
Cougar Climb Creed: We aspire to CLIMB to reach our goals. We are committed to bringing together the sports community at Conant, developing leadership in athletes, and inspiring active and healthy lifestyles.
awareness and prevention activities, illinois human performance project, ilhpp program presentations, illinois human performance project, project, descriptions brown bag program, illinois human performance project, brown bag lunch program illinois human performance proejct, pledge development, ilhpp creed development, illinois human performance project, ilhpp program descriptions, illinois human performance project, science module education

Downers Grove South High School

Chapter Name: Life of a Mustang
Chapter Advisor: Adam Petersen, Matt Quatman

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

Life of a Mustang is just getting started! Check back for more information soon!

Fremd High School

Chapter Name: Vikings United
Chapter Advisor: David Dick

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Middle School Mentoring
  • Science Module Education
  • Creed Development
  • Fifth Quarter Events
  • Brown Bag

Vikings United developed their chapter in Fall 2018. Their biggest successes they want to highlight are fifth quarter events and their brown bag lunch program! To keep up with their programming, check out their social media!

fifth quarter, program descriptions, illinois human performance project illinois human performance proejct, pledge development, ilhpp brown bag program, illinois human performance project, brown bag lunch program illinois human performance project, middle school mentoring, ilhpp program descriptions, illinois human performance project, science module education

Glenbard East High School

Chapter Name: Rams Committed
Chapter Advisor: Joel Pelland
Phone: (630) 234-6237

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Middle School Mentoring
  • Pledge Development
  • Creed Development

Rams Committed has monthly meetings that get well over 100 students in attendance! During these meetings, a few members of the Ram’s Committed leadership team give presentations on HPP science modules, educating the whole group about how their lifestyle choices are impacting their ability to perform.

illinois human performance proejct, pledge development, ilhpp creed development, illinois human performance project, ilhpp illinois human performance project, middle school mentoring, ilhpp

Grayslake Central High School

Chapter Name: Rams Dedicated
Chapter Advisor: Kate Oldenburg
Phone: (847) 986-3371

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Creed Development
  • Pledge Development
  • Awareness and Prevention Activities
  • Program Presentations
  • Fifth Quarter Events
  • Brown Bag Programs

Rams Dedicated is a school-wide wellness initiative at Grayslake Central that emphasizes a positive approach to helping students make healthy lifestyle choices through the development of leadership and peer education. Rams Dedicated seeks to positively impact wellness-based choices for ALL students – in the classroom, activities, fine arts and athletics.

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Grayslake North High School

Chapter Name: Knights Performance Project
Chapter Advisor: Patrick Moran

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Program Presentations

Grayslake North recently began their chapter, Knights Performance Project in 2019! Their goal is to bring their community together even  in their initial stages. KPP plans events to bring awareness to all sports and clubs to further bring their school together. Check out their Instagram to help keep their students and community healthy and ready for the day!

program presentations, illinois human performance project, project, descriptions

John Hersey High School

Chapter Name: Hersey RISE
Chapter Advisor: Celia DeLeon

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

Hersey RISE is just getting started! Check back for more information soon!

Hinsdale Central High School

Chapter Name: Red Devil Standard
Chapter Advisor: Jason Hayes
Phone: (630) 570-8484

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Check back soon for updates on what RDS staple programs are running!

Formed in Winter 2018, Red Devil Standard (RDS) is a way of life, in which we strive to improve ourselves and our teammates, by having a positive mindset, and displaying healthy lifestyle habits.

Libertyville High School

Chapter Name: Life of a Wildcat
Chapter Advisor: Brenda Nelson
Phone: (847) 567-0413

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Brown Bag Programs
  • Awareness and Prevention Activities
  • Creed Development
  • Science Module Education
  • Program Presentations
  • Middle School Mentoring

Life of a Wildcat was founded in 2016 and is a very strong chapter! For more information about their chapter and the programming they provide, please contact Brenda!

program descriptions, illinois human performance project, awareness & prevention activities creed development, program descriptions, illinois human performance project program descriptions, illinois human performance project, science module education program descriptions, illinois human performance project, program presentations middle school mentoring, program descriptions, illinois human performance project brown bag program, illinois human performance project, brown bag lunch program

Rolling Meadows High School

Chapter Name: IMPACT
Chapter Advisor: Joe Disilvio

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Fifth Quarter
  • Awareness and Prevention Activities
  • Pledge Development
  • Program Presentations
  • Middle School Mentoring
IMPACT was founded in 2018. Check back soon to learn more about exactly what they do.
fifth quarter, program descriptions, illinois human performance project program descriptions, illinois human performance project, awareness & prevention activities illinois human performance proejct, pledge development, ilhpp program presentations, illinois human performance project, project, descriptions illinois human performance project, middle school mentoring, ilhpp

Schaumburg High School

Chapter Name: SALT
Chapter Advisor: Marty Manning

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

Check back soon for more information on the Schaumburg High School SALT Chapter, initially founded in 2019.

Jewel Middle School

Chapter Name: HAPPI
Chapter Advisor: Andrea Janik

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

HAPPI is a brand new IL HPP Chapter starting in Spring 2021! Check back soon for more updates!

MacArthur Middle School

Chapter Name: Mac Allies
Chapter Advisor: Mark Atkinson
Phone: (847) 870-5292

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Awareness and Prevention Activities
  • Program Presentations
  • Middle School Mentoring

The Mac Allies started their HPP Program during the 2017-2018 school year. Reach out to the chapter advisors to learn more about what they do in their Middle School.

program descriptions, illinois human performance project, awareness & prevention activities program descriptions, illinois human performance project, program presentations middle school mentoring, program descriptions, illinois human performance project

River Trails Middle School

Chapter Name: Raven Leaders
Chapter Advisor: Cristy Tracz

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Awareness and Prevention Activities
  • Creed Development
  • Middle School Mentoring
  • Program Presentations

The Chief Leaders HPP group was founded in 2017. This Student Leadership group meets one to two times a month and is focused on making positive and healthy changes in their school. The projects are student created and lead.


program descriptions, illinois human performance project, awareness & prevention activities creed development, program descriptions, illinois human performance project middle school mentoring, program descriptions, illinois human performance project program descriptions, illinois human performance project, program presentations

Thomas Middle School

Chapter Name: Wolf Pack DEN Club
Chapter Advisor: Lori Naumowicz, Kristen Christiansen

This chapter participates in these staple programs:

  • Awareness and Prevention Activities
  • Program Presentations
  • Middle School Mentoring

Check back soon for more information about the Wolf Pack DEN club.

program descriptions, illinois human performance project, awareness & prevention activities program descriptions, illinois human performance project, program presentations middle school mentoring, program descriptions, illinois human performance project

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This work is made possible by OMNI Youth Services. Please visit their website to learn more about the variety of services they offer.

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