Illinois Human Performance Project

Educators Toolkit

Access educator resources with content and materials related to safe use, safe storage, and safe disposal of prescription opioids. These resources are freely available to download from Operation Prevention, NIDA, and PBS.


Operation Prevention

The DEA has joined forces with Discovery Education to create a comprehensive, no-cost program to combat opioid misuse.

Educator Videos

NIDA Teacher Resources

These resources show the extent of the opioid crisis as well as what is causing it.  Included is advice on how students can keep themselves and loved ones safe.

Understanding the Opioid Epidemic

Lesson content is based on the documentary “Understanding the Opioid Epidemic” as well as important themes such as misperception of opioid safety, community awareness, brain science, stigma, and the struggles associated with treatment and recovery. Lessons are aligned to National Health Education Standards.

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This work is made possible by OMNI Youth Services. Please visit their website to learn more about the variety of services they offer.

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omni youth services, omni, illinois human performance project