CYS/ILHPP Youth Committee
The CYS Youth Committee is a youth advisory board composed of high school students in District 214. This group meets monthly from 6:00-7:30 at the D21 Admin Building (959 W. Dundee, Wheeling IL). During each meeting, students either engage in experiential learning (Leadership, Mock Resume/Interview Prep, Mental Health First Aid) or participate in a service project. Students receive 2+ service hours for attending a meeting, with the opportunity to earn more throughout the month.
The CYS program focuses on a comprehensive approach addressing community engagement; youth voice; connections to existing health, employment and human services; family communication and supervision of youth; life skills development; college and career preparation; parental expectations of their youth; and advocacy strategies to improve physical environments impacting violence and delinquency including school climate. In collaboration with IL HPP we are excited to offer this opportunity to students.
Being part of the CYS YC has so many benefits including:
- 2 Service Hours per meeting
- Leadership and Community Service Opportunities
- PIZZA at every meeting
Interested in learning more about what CYS has to offer? CLICK HERE
Interested in joining?!
Text “@CYSYO” to 81010 to join our Remind App
Follow Our Instagram @communityyouthservices
Email or to be put on the email list – Specify Youth Committee
First Meeting:
6:00-7:30 p.m. CT
D21 Admin Building (959 W. Dundee, Wheeling IL)