Safe Storage protects others


Safe Prescription Storage Tips

Safe storage can help you protect others! Download our safe storage handout to practice prescription medication safety and reduce the likelihood that your medication is stolen, diverted, and/or misused.

safe prescription storage, illinois human performance project, opiod abuse prevention

Monitor Your Medicine Cabinet

Choose a safe location to store your medications that is up & away and out of sight from others in the household. Sometimes the medicine cabinet is not the best location to store prescriptions because of its ease of accessibility. If you choose to store your medications in the medicine cabinet, look to install a locking mechanism or find a lock equipped medicine cabinet to replace your old one.

*Other options to safely store your medications include prescription lock boxes and password/code protected household safes.

Safe Storage Handout

Safe storage will help you protect others! Download our safe storage handout to practice prescription medication safety and reduce the likelihood that your medication is stolen, diverted, and/or misused.

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This work is made possible by OMNI Youth Services. Please visit their website to learn more about the variety of services they offer.

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