Teen Anxiety and School Anxiety: Dealing with Resistance and Refusal

Naperville's Nicols Public Library and on Zoom at 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. 200 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville, IL, United States

Dr. Laura Koehler is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who has worked at Linden Oaks Behavioral Health for over 14 years. Her current position is the Manager of Anxiety Services, which […]

Understanding and Preventing Addiction: Beautiful Boy

Live on Zoom

Nic spares no detail in telling us the compelling, heartbreaking and true story of his road to recovery—filled with everything you would ever want to know about drugs, alcohol and […]

Understanding and Preventing Addiction: Beautiful Boy

Live on Zoom

Nic spares no detail in telling us the compelling, heartbreaking and true story of his road to recovery—filled with everything you would ever want to know about drugs, alcohol and […]

A Skills Blueprint for Better Grades and Less Stress

Live on Zoom

As parents we desire to understand and instill the critical skills young adults need to navigate an ever-changing world, adapt, persevere, and thrive. Academic advisor and early career development expert […]

A Blueprint/Skills for Better Grades and Less Stress

Live on Zoom

As parents we desire to understand and instill the critical skills young adults need to navigate an ever-changing world, adapt, persevere, and thrive. Academic advisor and early career development expert […]

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This work is made possible by OMNI Youth Services. Please visit their website to learn more about the variety of services they offer.

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omni youth services, omni, illinois human performance project